
We think through and popularize concepts for social, ecological and democratic economy. We investigate the causes of social and environmental problems and look for solutions. Our work therefore also includes publishing activities. You can find all of our publications here.

The Insurance Gap in the Age of Climate Crisis: Ranking the Major Insurers in Central and Eastern Europe

The Insurance Gap in the Age of Climate Crisis: Ranking the Major Insurers in Central and Eastern Europe

11.3.2025 – PDF – 26.62MB This report examines the four most prominent insurers in the Central and Eastern Europe - Allianz, Generali, UNIQA, and Vienna Insurance Group - and evaluates their approaches to underwriting and investing in fossil fuels. They are rated on their underwriting policies, coverage, climate targets and investment policies. The findings show that all the insurers to varying degrees maintain policies that allow for continued support of coal, oil, and gas industries. The largest and most influential insurer in the Central and Eastern Europe - Vienna Insurance Group - has the worst climate policies of the four.
Behind the mask: Investigating EPH’s coal exit claims

Behind the mask: Investigating EPH’s coal exit claims

12.2.2025 – PDF – 956.64kB A new investigation in collaboration with Beyond Fossil Fuels suggests that promises by major European power company EPH that it will move away from coal by 2030 are not necessarily to be taken at face value. While EPH claims it will soon be coal-free, instead of closing all of its coal operations, since 2021 it has been formally moving assets over to what is presented as a separate company, EPETr. The investigation shows that significant operational, managerial, and financial ties persist between the two companies via a network of service agreements and asset guarantees, along with extensive personnel overlaps. These raise significant questions about EPETr’s true autonomy, and whether this restructuring may be allowing EPH to continue to benefit from its sister company’s coal revenue streams, while obscuring its true emissions profile from investors and regulators.
His Profits, Our Loss: How Daniel Křetínský’s EPH Keeps Profiting from Poverty and Climate Collapse

His Profits, Our Loss: How Daniel Křetínský’s EPH Keeps Profiting from Poverty and Climate Collapse

19.6.2024 – PDF – 12.80MB This report summarizes the development of Daniel Křetínský's energy and media businesses over the past year and a half. It reveals critical findings, including Křetínský's concealment of half his emissions, his ties to Vladimir Putin's regime, the influence of his media outlets in the Czech Republic, and the threat EPH’s fossil fuel infrastructure poses to European climate policy. At the end, we propose solutions for combating fossil fuel corporations like EPH.
Ein fossiler Energiegigant: Wie Daniel Křetínskýs Unternehmen EPH das Klima zerstört, von Energiearmut profitiert und die Demokratie gefährdet

Ein fossiler Energiegigant: Wie Daniel Křetínskýs Unternehmen EPH das Klima zerstört, von Energiearmut profitiert und die Demokratie gefährdet

20.7.2023 – PDF – 33.69MB Energetický a průmyslový holding (EPH), im Besitz von Daniel Křetínský, ist eine der größten Kohle- und Gasgesellschaften in Europa. EPH besitzt und betreibt Vermögenswerte in der Tschechischen Republik, der Slowakischen Republik, Deutschland, Italien, Irland, Großbritannien, Frankreich und den Niederlanden. Du kannst einen umfassenden Bericht über Daniel Křetínskýs Geschäfte lesen, der erklärt, warum seine Unternehmen eine Bedrohung für das Klima und die Demokratie darstellen.
Comment EPH de Daniel Křetínský détruit le climat, profite de la précarité énergétique et menace la démocratie

Comment EPH de Daniel Křetínský détruit le climat, profite de la précarité énergétique et menace la démocratie

10.5.2023 – PDF – 32.99MB Energetický a průmyslový holding (EPH), détenue par Daniel Křetínský, est l'une des plus grandes entreprises de charbon et de gaz en Europe. EPH possède et gère des actifs en République tchèque, en Slovaquie, en Allemagne, en Italie, en Irlande, au Royaume-Uni, en France et aux Pays-Bas. Vous pouvez lire notre rapport complet sur l'entreprise de Daniel Křetínský qui montre en quoi elle représente une menace pour le climat et la démocratie.
Fossil Hyena: How Daniel Křetínský’s EPH Destroys Climate, Profits from Energy Poverty and Threatens Democracy

Fossil Hyena: How Daniel Křetínský’s EPH Destroys Climate, Profits from Energy Poverty and Threatens Democracy

26.1.2023 – PDF – 30.66MB Energetický a průmyslový holding (EPH), owned by Daniel Křetínský, is one of the largest coal and gas corporations in Europe. EPH owns and operates assets in the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, Germany, Italy, Ireland, the UK, France, and Netherlands. You can read comprehensive report about Daniel Křetínský business, that explain, why his companies are threat to climate and democracy.
Walking the Path Less Travelled: Collective Steps Towards a Culturally Sensitive Education in the Context of Socio-Ecological Transformation

Walking the Path Less Travelled: Collective Steps Towards a Culturally Sensitive Education in the Context of Socio-Ecological Transformation

2.12.2022 – PDF – 4.05MB The anthology Walking the Path Less Travelled presents a selection of texts by educators from the Czech Republic, Poland and Germany on culturally sensitive education about the transformation of the world. In the form of essays, short reflections, interviews or practical methodological and other tools, the publication opens up topics such as degrowth in Central and Eastern Europe, language and greenwashing, emotions in education or leaving the seminar room in non-formal education. Barbora Adamková and Jakub Mácha contributed to the publication on behalf of Re-set with a paper on safe and brave learning spaces. The publication was produced in collaboration with the Ecumenical Academy, Kreisau-Initiative (DE) and Fundacja Krzyżowa (PL) within the Erasmus+ Partnership for transnational ESD and Degrowth education project.
Insurance and  Energy Sectors  at Crossroads: Feeding the Fossil Monster, or  Clean Energy?

Insurance and Energy Sectors at Crossroads: Feeding the Fossil Monster, or Clean Energy?

1.4.2022 – PDF – 14.88MB This text is an abridged version of the full Czech language report created as part of the project De-insuring of the Coal and Gas Industry while Developing the Climate Movement in the Czech Republic realized with the support of the European Climate Foundation and the Sunrise Project. The project focuses on the role of the finance sector in bankrolling the climate crisis. Its goal is to reveal the role of financial institutions – and specifically insurance companies – in supporting fossil fuel industry corporations whose business models are incompatible with the goals of the Paris Agreement and a fast and just solution to the climate crisis. It will develop popular education initiatives and public campaigns aiming and cutting off coal and other fossil fuel companies from sources of insurance, loans, investments and other finance – and simultaneously support the development of the climate movement in Czech Republic by education, capacity building and skills sharing.
Just Transition through the Eyes of Local People

Just Transition through the Eyes of Local People

1.2.2022 – PDF – 175.91kB English version of the publication Just Transition through the Eyes of Local People: Policy recommendations from local civic initiatives for transformation of coal regions in the Czech Republic.
Betting Against Our Future

Betting Against Our Future

2.4.2021 – PDF – 18.31MB How Czech coal companies derail decarbonization - and insurers are helping them stay afloat