Tenants Organising for Just Renovations - online skillshares

Tenants Organising for Just Renovations - online skillshares

All around Europe people are facing an unprecedented housing crisis. The rents are rising while the quality of housing is decaying. People already witness and feel the climate crisis, often living in apartments that are too hot for the first half of the year and too cold for the second. Heating and cooling of our homes constitutes a major part of overall energy consumption - it is pricey and it fastens the climate collapse, as most of the energy used still comes from burning fossil fuels. Mass scale energy efficient renovations are needed, but they often lead to rent increase and tenants losing their homes.
However - there is a way out of it also for people who are not home-owners: thousands of tenants in Europe are already successfully organising for house retrofits without rent increase! ✊

🏡 We are bringing you a six-part online skillshare Tenants Organising for Just Renovations. Organisers from France, Belgium, Germany and the Czech Republic will share their campaigns, experiences and strategies on how to organise tenants in energy-leaky homes. There will be space for questions, discussions and new perspectives.

The online skillshare Tenants Organising for Just Renovations is for:
◾ everyone who wants to organise with other tenants,
◾ everyone who wants to learn about different campaigning methods and strategies,
◾ people from the climate justice collectives, housing movements and NGOs,
◾ and also for people who are not necessarily members of any group, but who are interested in the issues of housing, climate and social justice and collective action.

☝️ We encourage you to participate in all the sessions and join the webinar V and VI for fruitful discussions, but you can also join only for one or two. All the sessions will be held in (international and non-academic) English language. We will record the presentation part for people who cannot attend. The highlights of the online skillshare will be later published in a short infosheet available in English, French, German and Czech. 📑

Please fill out this form and we will send you the zoom link before the event.
✒︎ https://cryptpad.cz/form/#/2/form/view/nFl8UwWBze7F9FBQkIyA0aJbmtyYNb1fWhnfJzECaIo/ 

In France, tenants’ unions use available data to better target energy leaky homes owned by big landlords. Door knocking in these building and house meetings create local tenants groups that demand energy-saving works and rent reductions. Our key to win is articulating the use of law, collective action and the intervention of allies within the public authorities.


Germany needs a heating transition that is sustainable, affordable for tenants and really saves emissions. We started our work in autumn of 2023 - we train climate activists as organisers to work with tenants to achieve affordable green heating for all. We use legal levers and grassroots organising, as well as targeted press work. Our work is aimed at landlords and politicians. We are currently working on building a strong nationwide network and developing unifying messages with the help of door-to-door interviews. 



When the energy crisis hit in 2022, we organised a number of community DIY insulation workshops and learned that it is the tenants who are often the most affected by energy poverty in Czechia. At the same time, The Tenants’ Initiative was founded, the first tenants union in the country with more than 300 members at the moment, with whom we cooperate closely. As the housing crisis grows and more and more people live in a huge uncertainty, we need to explore effective ways to organise for livable living conditions.


  •  Webinar - 22nd April - Carolocataires Ensemble, Charleroi, Belgium

Carolocataires Ensemble is a new tenant’s union based in Charleroi (Wallonia, Belgium) which acts against unsanitary and poorly insulated housing. Our strategy is to target landlords and the city of Charleroi to renovate houses and defend tenants against eviction and repression. 


  • Webinar - 6th May + VI. Webinar 20th May - Open Space

These sessions will provide a space for deeper discussions and a platform to share your campaigns, be it examples of successful fights or lessons learned about how things did not work out as planned. During the first four webinars we will collect questions and topics that resonated and would need more space and bring them back into a more participatory discussion format on the webinar V and VI.

Would you like to share your campaign with us? Write to barbora.adamkova@re-set.cz



Please fill out this form and we will send you the zoom link before the event.
✒︎ https://cryptpad.cz/form/#/2/form/view/nFl8UwWBze7F9FBQkIyA0aJbmtyYNb1fWhnfJzECaIo/ 

These events are organised with financial support from the Erasmus+ program. 

Event Tenants Organising for Just Renovations - online skillshares

Tenants Organising for Just Renovations - online skillshares

25.2.2025 All around Europe people are facing an unprecedented housing crisis. The rents are rising while the quality of housing is decaying. People already witness and feel the climate crisis, often living in apartments that are too hot for the first half of the year and too cold for the second. Heating and cooling of our homes constitutes a major part of overall energy consumption - it is pricey and it fastens the climate collapse, as most of the energy used still comes from burning fossil fuels. Mass scale energy efficient renovations are needed, but they often lead to rent increase and tenants losing their homes.
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Zveme vás na filmové večery v Praze a Brně na téma Kořeny hnutí za klimatickou spravedlnost

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