

Read what's new in the movement and the socio-economic transformation. Articles, analyses, studies, reports.

Event Tenants Organising for Just Renovations - online skillshares

Tenants Organising for Just Renovations - online skillshares

25.2.2025 All around Europe people are facing an unprecedented housing crisis. The rents are rising while the quality of housing is decaying. People already witness and feel the climate crisis, often living in apartments that are too hot for the first half of the year and too cold for the second. Heating and cooling of our homes constitutes a major part of overall energy consumption - it is pricey and it fastens the climate collapse, as most of the energy used still comes from burning fossil fuels. Mass scale energy efficient renovations are needed, but they often lead to rent increase and tenants losing their homes.
Event 5 years with Re-set!

5 years with Re-set!

5.12.2024 We have been working on social-ecological transformation for five years! We want to take this unique opportunity to bring everyone together, reminisce, and enjoy some quality music and competitions! Come celebrate with us!
Article We create a solidarity-based and environmentally friendly economic future

We create a solidarity-based and environmentally friendly economic future

18.9.2024 It has been almost two years since we started focusing on solidarity economies, or economic activities that represent an alternative to capitalist practices. How did this intention come about and how does it fit in with our other activities?
Event We offer our know-how, check out our list!

We offer our know-how, check out our list!

5.3.2024 We are systematizing our workshops and trainings so that we can better share the knowledge and skills needed to build our groups and organizations. You can find an overview of the areas in which we can support you and your movement here!
Event We invite you to film screenings about housing crisis!

We invite you to film screenings about housing crisis!

9.10.2023 Housing, as a basic human right, is increasingly unaffordable and treated as an investment. This significantly affects the quality of life of people in cities and impacts on all of us.
Event Představujeme vám program Valné hromady neakcionářů EPH

Představujeme vám program Valné hromady neakcionářů EPH

1.9.2023 Andrej Babiš, Daniel Křetínský, Pavel Tykač, Karel Komárek. O roli oligarchů a jejich vlivu na tuzemskou politiku se v naší společnosti v posledních letech mluví čím dál častěji. Jak přesně ale oligarchizace ohrožuje demokracii a co se s tím dá dělat? O tom budeme diskutovat na Valné hromadě neakcionářů EPH, která se koná na evangelické faře v Čáslavi od pátku 8. září do neděle 10. září.